Prayer Letter

October – November 2016

Dear Friends,

Thank you for praying for our family as we are traveling on furlough. The Lord has truly been good to us. We especially appreciate everyone who has been praying for Cheryl. The doctor had told her that it looked like she had cancer and that it would be “too late” to check up on it later in the year, and that she had to have another exam within a couple of weeks. We were able to have another exam a few weeks later, and it was determined that Cheryl does not have any cancer. She was told that she has nothing to worry about. We truly do serve a wonderful God. Thank you for praying for her.

A few days after Cheryl was given her good news, I was told that I had a common form of skin cancer. The doctor took a biopsy and told me that this would help determine whether I would have to go for surgery or if a medical cream would be enough to take care of the cancer. We posted this news on Facebook and asked people to pray. A few days later the doctor called me and said that it was not skin cancer. God has been good to us and we are very thankful for answered prayer.

UPDATES: We always try to make sure that we put prayer request and answers to prayer in our newsletters. However, there are times when we are not able to immediately send out a prayer letter so we also post prayer request and answers to prayer on our Facebook account.  So please be sure to get connected to us through Facebook for up to date prayer request, answered prayers, and other news.

With the Prayer letter that we mail out we decided to change our letter head to better reflect the ministries that God has allowed us to start. Through the Churches, the Christian school, and the Bible college, we are now ministering to people not only from Uganda, but also from South Sudan, Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Eritrea and Kenya.

SALVATION DECISIONS: One of the men from Uganda just called me and was very excited as he told me that they just had 9 people saved while out soul winning. It was a blessing to hear this report as well as many others that they have given me about souls saved and believers being baptized. It has also been a blessing as we recently saw 3 people saved here in the States. There was also a lady who got saved after I had left her a Gospel Tract. My parents went back to her home to follow up on her and she said that after speaking with me she read the Gospel Tract and got saved.

Thank you for praying for us.

Your fellow Labourers,

James and Cheryl Pridgen


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